Pampered Children Dr K Porpavai Every pampered child becomes a hated child… There is no greater evil than the pampering of children.                                                    Alfred Adler; Austrian doctor and psychotherapist. Recently Dr Selvaraj,...
Teenage drinking problem in India-Part 1

Teenage drinking problem in India-Part 1

Recently, sensationalist news in the media highlighted the event when a 17 year old girl was found drunk in public in Coimbatore. The papers had headings such as “Plus-2 girl gets drunk, creates ruckus”, “Drunk Teen Causes Flutter in Coimbatore”, “Coimbatore sees...
Young Lives and Exams

Young Lives and Exams

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. Aristotle On May 7 Tamil Nadu government announced the plus two results. Hundreds of students and their families were very happy with the exam outcomes for their children as they scored very high....
Bullying and Mental Health

Bullying and Mental Health

According to new research published this week in Lancet children who are bullied are at greater risk of mental health problems in later life than those who are maltreated by adults. The researchers used data from two longitudinal studies in UK and the US where they...
The importance of mental health in children

The importance of mental health in children

There is no health without mental health World Health Organization (WHO) Mental health is a way of describing personal, emotional and social wellbeing. WHO defines mental health, as “a state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can...
Accepting our children for what they are.

Accepting our children for what they are.

Every child is a different kind of flower, and all together make this world A Beautiful Garden Anonymous   This is my first blog post and I decided to write about one of the fundamental principles of parenting and child rearing “acceptance”. The word acceptance...